
Showing posts from September, 2018

SF X Fantasy Rayforce Analysis

SF X Fantasy Rayforce Analysis Warning: Spoilers for Legend Hero Rayforce video link:   SF X Fantasy: RayForce probably would have the same concept that all Tokusatsu have, good vs evil. At least I would believe so. There isn’t any sign of monsters so it would probably be something similar to the hero of the week formula. There would be giant robot battles, evident from eh giant robot at the end. One of the good heroes would have a magic and fantasy theme. The other would have a Science Fiction theme. The use of science fiction and fantasy would explain why its called SF X Fantasy Rayforce, SF for science fiction. There isn’t much that I can take away from the concept video in terms of story other than the basics. Good guys team up to fight bad guys. The concepts I can see that were adapted into Legend Hero I have listed below. I also have some differences listed as well.               Enjoy Similarities  The fema

Legend Hero Review

Archive Kid Reviews: Legend Hero I LOVE TOKUSATSU!!! Here in America I was introduced to the genre thanks to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Fox Kids and Ultraman Tiga on the Fox Box. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers used stock footage from the Japanese Super Sentai series for action scenes while using American scenes for everything else. Ultraman Tiga was cut and dubbed by 4kids Entertainment much like the original Ultraman was when it was aired back in the 1960s. There are also original Tokusatsu shows made in America, such as The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog and Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills, but lets not talk about that one.  Other countries have made their own Tokusatsu shows. France for example has a sports and exercise themed Sentai show called France 5, that is actually an homage to Sentai. In China, the series Battle Strike Team is a Chinese original Super Sentai. It has nothing to do with Japan’s Super Sentai though but it does use the same