Galactik Football Season 1 Review

I Love This Show!!!

This show is so cool! Too bad it'll never come to America. (No more Saturday morning cartoons)
Galactik < with a K not C (I spelled it right)
 Football > The game where you kick a ball with your feet (also known as soccer)
I'm only going to talk about the animation, my feelings after watching the first episode, voices and a little bit about the story and characters.
If I ever get around to making a video review I'll get more into detail. For right now I'm making this a recommendation/review.
        First Episode and First impressions
Let me start by explaining the job of the first episode. The First episode is the First Impression and it is the most important episode of any series. The first episode should put the thought of "Hmm, I would like to see more of this series. It seems interesting." That's why first episodes, especially in cartoons, seem really cool or over the top. The first episode is also supposed to be the foreground for explaining the plot and an etc of other concepts and stuff.  Anyway
It was a boring afternoon and I decided to choose a random cartoon, one I haven't seen, and watch it. I watch all these shows online by the way. So anyhow, I came across Galactik Football. "Hmm, wonder what this show is about?" I thought. So I hit play and ........................................ Yikes
If I'm correct, Galactik Football was the first Non American or Canadian cartoon that I ever watched and I have to say "Dem Dam Voices"
Galactik Football is a French cartoon, so the version I watched was dubbed in English for European and Australian audiences. I've said in that past that American & Canadian voice actors are the best. Of course that statement seems a bit regionally prejudice. The voices for the characters were not what I was expecting. They seemed to be off, I could clearly tell that the voices definitely weren't matching flaps. The whole episode didn't seem to have to much going on in it either. Though that was only because I started focusing on voice acting and forgot about the beginning of the episode.
Beginning: We see Arch (No! Not Archie Andrews)
(This guy)
Arch, is in a spaceship (by the way the entire series is set in space with a bunch of aliens and made up planets and so weird names)
Arch is in a space ship headed back to his home planet after leaving for so many years. He's returning to form a team. A team to play in the Galactik Football Cup! 

I'll skip over the longer details and give a full review of the entire series and a more in depth review at a later time on a video review.

Okay, so Arch is heading back to his home planet, that by the way is called Akillian (toldja! Weird Names!)  yatayatayata  1 2 skip to the We see Micro ice.................... His mom is called Mama Ice

What Micro ice, or Mice as they later call him, is doing is not important. skipppppp mooooooore detaaaaaaiiiilllssssss  Ah!

Word has gotten around that Arch has come back and he's forming a team. D'jok, Thran and Ahito, Sinedd and I think Rocket are shown. (Ahito and Rocket I think are the only normal names{Ahito and Thran are Asian and brothers}) They kick a ball around to do something that is not really important. D'jok brings up joining Arch's team, and I think Tia shows up at the end of the episode. Oh yeah and it's also revealed that Rocket is Arch's nephew and his Father (Arch's brother) does not want him joining Arch.

Oh! wait, Shit! I didn't explain his backstory. (In all truth I haven't watched the first episode in a long time. Compared to the rest of the series it is the least interesting.)

I can't remember if we get the full flashback or not in the first episode. Arch's flashbacks are always to the same memory of when Akillian, a once lovely summer time planet, did the whole Frozen !(never seen that movie. Never Make A Movie Reference When You Haven't Seen It or know the plot)
I'll explain more about my memory of the flashback when I talk about the animation.
Getting to the point, Arch used to play in the Football cup until akillian froze over and then, Everyone thought Mingi!!!! (In African Cultures, Tribal Cultures, Mingi is bad luck -Truth- Learned it in highschool)
Also Akillian's Flux known as the breathe disappeared. Along with the heat.

I am not doing a good job as a reviewer. Well it is my first time, and I'm a virgin hehehehhehehehhehehe   
Not funny 
Short Explanation of Flux and it's use: Very Important!!
Flux: a mystical or magical* energy. It comes in different forms and is used in different ways. Different Planet = Different Flux     
All planets associated with the Galactik Football cup use their own flux in matches. (Yes, it's soccer with super powers) But there are rules and laws for the usage of the flux. Prior to the series and I believe prior to Arch's past (They never made it clear) there was a big flux war. When the war was over they created a Flux  Society (or council) and then laws were made.
"Everyone raise your right hand and grab your left foot with other! We will now speak the (made up) Oath of the laws of flux usings!"
First law: No one may use their flux outside of Galactik football training areas and Stadiums
Second law: No one may use their Flux as a weapon of war (kinda applies to the first law)
Third Law:  Please Flux Responsibly. Do not Flux and Drive (whoever wrote that is Fired!!)
Those who disobey these laws (except the 3rd which is a lie and total bullshit on an EX interns part) are punished. Flux is mainly used by those who play in the cup so the punishment is mainly suspension.
I need to give more explanation about the teams and the Galactik Football etc etc in a video. It would take too long explain on this already long blog post.
Now let me move on to my impression of the first episode. By the way some of the info I just gave you might not be explained in the first episode but later in the series.
After I finished watching the first episode, I laid down on the floor and screamed "Ma! Call 911 Now!"
Just kidding!
Seriously though, it was a bit tough to stay interested in this episode. I didn't lose focus when watching it but I just wasn't impressed or wowed with it at all.
Let me explain it like this, recently I watched the first episode of Magination. I was bored to death. The animation wasn't impressive, action scenes felt like they weren't moving at all and the monsters looked CUTE! Do they get more fierce looking? I don't know and don't care! Magination turned me off with the first episode.
Galactik Football however  did not. Now, I didn't immediately watch the second episode but I did go back to it after awhile. But why?
Well, I'll explain that.
Animation: The animation wasn't too hot for the first episode. But I usually don't judge things by how they look just what they do with it. There wasn't anything going on that was WOW or AWSOME. There was just yeah, okay. The animation reminded me of Saturday morning cartoons. Like it was on a budget.
Sound: Like I said the voices were scary. Though this was my first experience with a cartoon from france that was dubbed in English, so I guess that's why the voices sounded so weird to me. The voice actors speak English but that doesn't mean they're American. I started thinking about it and thought "over there it probably sounds alright to them because its what they hear everyday" (referring to the manner and accents of speech). Although I'm pretty sure that the voices weren't matching up with the lips. I even got the feeling that the actors were still getting into the character.
Story: A small amount of plot is in this episode. I was working on something at the time so some of the scenes I might have missed (which would explain my lack of flashback memory). That's why I can't say how deep into the plot this episode went. But with it be the 1st we can assume the hook has only just begun to sink into the water.
Overall thoughts: When I was done I thought "What did I just watch?" But I did watch another episode at a later time.
And Why Watch Another? Well, I guess curiosity. I'm not sure whether I just wanted to see if the second episode might be better or worse. Maybe it was because it watched the video on my phone's web browser and still had it in the tabs. Either way the first episode did not turn me off. It just wasn't that interesting and after watching up to season three it still isn't interesting.
Why isn't it interesting? Because its all regular animation 2d flat yatayata!!!! THE REST OF THE SEIRES IS IN CGI GRAPHICS!!!!!!! and it is so awesome
There might be a little cgi in the first episode but those segments may have been short and easy to miss if you looked away. Which is why I can't remember if Arch's flashback is shown because its all in cgi.
Now, when I watched the second episode I nearly knocked over my laptop grabbing my phone. The cgi came totally out of leftfield for me and looked soooooooooooooooo awesome. And even though the non cgi parts are not TOP NOTCH of animation (they aren't Pixel Pinkie bad) they are decent and you'll find yourself enjoying them as the story unfolds. Unfolding happens on and off the field, just wanted you to know. There is character development that helps show and build the Team's and each of the different players personality, teamwork, friendship and all that jazz.
So my friends I have to give Galactik Football a Rating of Watch It! (imitating the Completionist)
I hope you enjoyed reading this review and thanks for sticking through it till the end. I'll make a video review sometime soon. Then I'll explain more of the details of season 1 and the characters and yatayata.
Anyway, this is Dragon Dj. D-archivekid saying "PEASE OUT! And FLUX WITH A CON................ .....................Imma hafta hurt someone!
*cause its not explained, so unless you took a myth magic and folklore college class like me you wouldn't understand the idea of supernatural energy and etc)
Flux in use


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