
Dragon DJ D-archivekid, an alien from the stars, has come to earth to archive and review the different forms of human entertainment and critic them. Why? For the study of human nature and their strange art forms.

Okay that bs stops there.

Hello, to all who are reading this. Please excuse my bad grammar and punctuating and editing. I'm gonna be writing my reviews in the same way that I talk. So if you have a struggle understanding what the hell I'm saying that is probably why.

I don't really need to explain but I'll do it anyway. I'm a writer and I have some serious OCD when it comes to writing sentences. When writing I spend a lot of time writing a sentence of paragraph of a story and then spend even more time doing this and that, to make it sound better. I don't want to do that for these.

When I figure out how I'll also record my reviews on video. That way you'll be able to hear my words instead of reading them in the form of rough text on a webpage.

ANYWAY! Let's get to the meat and potatoes of this blog.

First: What will I review?

Movies of any kind  Mainstream, B movies (or lower), short films, new, old   etc

Cartoons American, Canadian, European, ETC!!!! If it's animated I'll watch it!



etc etc etc etc

Main thing you need to know is that I am a cartoon reviewer and I'll review B-movies from time to time. 

But I only review movies with a TROMA on them
I ain't watching a John waters film! FUCK HAIRSPRAY! JOHN WATERS U SUK!!!!!

I'll also review other things like anything I come across.

Anyway, my purpose for doing this is to critic cartoons and other stuff that people don't usually do. I mean you'll NEVER see the nostalgia critic do a review on the Malaysian cgi animated show BoBoiBoy.  

But I Will

I'm the archive kid saying I have! Seen it! and know it! All in my Archives
pEACE oUT!!!!!


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