Magi-nation Review

Unlike my Galactik Football review I'm going to skip right to the point.

I watched the first episode of a show called magi-nation because I saw a trailer for it on CookieJar's website. I saw that trailer my second year of highschool. I didn't think magi-nation made it to tv but lo and behold I was wrong.

Through coincidental accident. I discovered a youtube video by a guy with the username Doknot1999 (??????????)
His video was about the Cw4kids and toonzai blocks that would air on Saturday mornings. I watched the cw4kids up until it became the 2cent cardboard cut out called toonzai (cool name, dumb mascot, shitty bumper animations, no new shows except for a few). Anyway I'm watching this guys video and getting pretty pissed off because he just said the shows sucked without actually giving an actual explanation as to why he did not like them.
So I swore that I'd make a response video and prove to him that these shows did not suck and judge fairly and not in a pessimistic, idiotic, RETAREDED RANT!!!!!!!
So I decided to do that. But it fell through because I didn't like any thing that I recorded and I couldn't find a good video editing program. I went back to that video a couple of months later. Only to be subject of the same irritation. But now my anger was a little more tame and I decided that if I was going to make a response or a review of a bad rant/review I would watch each of the shows he claimed "sucked" and prove him wrong.
I didn't have to watch that many of the shows because he got the line up wrong and I'd already seen them from watching the cw4kids (toonzai was bad so I'm keeping them out of this)
But I was having trouble finding an episode of Magi-nation online. I couldn't find one (that worked). Now at this time I was still under the first impressions I had when I watched the trailer of Magi-nation. In my recordings and the script I wrote (I'm a writer! I write thingssss! it's habit Dammit!)
In the script and recording I recall stating that Magi-nation is a show where people battle evil in another world with monsters. It's got action and people like action so it's gotta be good RIGHT!!!!!
ain't that cute BUT ITS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh so very wrong

Magi-nation is bad! Very Bad! Bad for a Saturday morning monster battler action show bad.
Serious cartoon style but so very very very boring.

When I finally watched Magi-nation's first episode I was expecting Trailer> good but longer.
The episode starts with two people a man and a woman being chased by the big bad guy and what I thought were his two monster henchman that he summoned. (which is wrong because the two were able to summon monsters later in the episode)
Then through a lengthy summoning spell the man summons a monster from a stone


Let me explain. I don't remember much of this episode. I even watched it all the way through and did not lose focus or look away like I did with Galactik Football.

Sigh, I'll make this easier on myself. The first episode did the opposite of doing and not doing it's job.
This episode not only Did Not Impress Me but it also made NOT LIKE THIS SHOW.

I'd describe my dislike in full detail of the events of the episode but I'm going to be jumping around so try to keep up.

I'll start with what is interesting about the episode: A guy flip jumping out of a tree!

I'm not kidding that's the only part that I was even fully interested when I saw it. The angles the camera is shown during this part is nice and looks really cool. I wish they would use that type of thinking for the actions scenes.
At the beginning when the man summons the monster to fight the two henchmans o whatever. They looked like frogger hopping from left to right when they were dodging the monster's something. God, it gets worse.

In a later scene when the big bad guy enters a library to get some ancient book and this girl who is something to the story tries to stop him. But first she has to count to ten to stop hyperventilating. I'm not joking! She literally counts and the bad guy waits. This is the Main Villain! The Lord Zedd! The Master Moo! The King Koopa! The Megatron!!!!!!!! WHAT BIG EVIL BAD GUY WAITS FOR A LITTLE GIRL TO COUNT TO TEN TO CALM HER BREATHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
He should be like "Itty Bitty Bitch Get Deh Fuk Owwt Ma Wayh!!" and smacks her out the way with the back of his hand! Seriously!

Not to mention this scene drags on for so long and they don't even move. There's even a commercial break in the middle of it.
So the girl summons her monster and finally action starts and its okay. The Summoning spell is long as ASS!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!!!
In Huntik they summon Titans in a similar fashion to Magi-nation. Only they doing something like this  
(raise an amulet to the sky) "I call to battle Freedom Lancer" (Titan appears)

In Magi-nation that have a whole incantation that takes about a minute to say and the summoning sequence it not interesting. The monsters appear in a flash of light from a stone (I think).
Did I mention that the monster she summoned had big round eyes and it was kinda cute. CUTE! CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!
Why is a battle monster cute!?
Oh and by the way! They're all cute looking! At least the one's that are shown in the first episode.

Okay, so the big bad guy leaves the library for a reason I for get the girl runs off and an old man calls a guy in a tree to go after her (my only favorite part of this episode) through the power of a necklace in our world a kid who's name I do not remember is brought into the world of the dream (I think it's called) and they call him the final dreamer, the chosen one to beat the big baddy.

uggggggggggggggghhhhhhh! This episode was not exciting, impressive or had even the tiniest bit of interesting things to make you remember the plot or even like it. Though I can see some people liking it but I am definitely not one of them.

But what I find weird is that this shit wasn't cancelled until low ratings in its second season. Who thought it was a good idea to make 2 seasons of this shit.

On top of that when was the second season or first season aired? I began watching the Cw4kids when the first episode of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight Aired and I never saw it. So it had to have been dropped at some point before then.

Anyway, I guess if you're reaaaaaaally young you could like this show but not when you're ten or 21.
I've seen a lot of action battle shows and THIS WAS THE WORST IVE EVER SEEN!!!
So I have to agree with Doknot1999 about it being bad.

I however do not, will not and shalt not agree with his shitty saying of Kamen rider dragon knight, huntik, Chaotic, Yugioh 5ds, GoGoRoKi, Eon kid (I still need to watch this but its a Korean CGI animated show so that's a gurantee it is good! Korea Has Killer CGI Animation!), Viva piñata, and Dinosaur king!

The Only Show He Said He Liked Was WINX CLUB!!!!!! WINX CLUB!!!!!
A show originally from france that is aimed at a FEMALE DEMOGRAPHIC!!!!!!!!!!!
he said he liked the pretty girls..............................................................................
In the original script and recording I made the joke that he was gay or effeminate for liking this show, until he says that to which I exclaim "Ladies and Gentlemen! The boy's straight! He Gets Boners!"

Winx club a s show that is pretty much Barbie and the Gang with magic fairy powers called Winx. Pretty girls, Good looking Guys, Magic power Action. The story is nice but it is Barbie as hell. The girls are the modeled stereotypically Magazine flawless. I just wish they would make a show like as told by ginger. In that show they have imperfections in their looks. Even the pretty popular girls are kinda ugly. But in winx they are barbies with fairy powers.

I'll do a review of Doknot1999's rant (call it a review of a bad rant) and its won't sound anything like my original script.

This the Archive Kid Saying "Peace OUT!!!!!"


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